I wore this:

Scarf I got for $7 on the street in NYC
American Apparel grey deep v-neck
jeans from delias
boots ive had forever from god knows where
it was raining :( no good.
I put in applications at Panera, Barnes & Noble, and Ruby Tuesday. Tomorrow Anthropolgie (!!) and I'll also get to see my wifey Angela and the beautiful Corin who Angela and I both have a crush on. I am very excited. I hope it doesn't rain again because I have a really cute outfit planned out.
Also, I have to talk American Idol
I fucking hate American Idol and I didn't really watch this season until I came home and started watching with my mom. David Cook is a babe, David Archuleta is a baby. I think DC is the better singer but DA will probably win because he plays the "oh golly gee oh my gosh wow" card which little girls and old ladies (the only people who watch the show) dig. Anyway tonight was the final performance show and DC could definitely done better. He's really very talented but didn't show it today. He could have picked better songs. What really bothers me is Archuleta's version of "Imagine". He's doing all these runs and shit and it doesn't even sound like the original version. There are some things you just dont fuck with, you know? That song is supposed to be really simple and melodic and Archuleta is just like "golly look what I can do! wowee!" which annoys me and I wanted DC to just thump him over the head with something, drag him off stage, and shove him in a closet until its all over.
Waste of my time, honestly.
I'm just glad Idol is almost over and SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE can start because thats the best reality show EVER
PS - My dad just walked in, points to a picture of Audrey Kitching that's on my wall and goes "is that the drug addict?" I said "WTF?" He goes "That one with the black makeup who is on drugs." Me: "That's AMY WINEHOUSE"
I don't care how out of the loop you are, you should know who Amy Winehouse is. And Audrey looks nothing like Amy. WTF DAD.
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